I really like the song, very interesting and harmonious instrumentation
I really like the song, very interesting and harmonious instrumentation
Thanks Demon dude ლ(・﹏・ლ), i really appreciate your support
Sounds pretty interesting, i advise u to use FL studio, and wish u good luck in ur career
Thank you very much!!! i wanted to use FL studio for a long time now, i only heard positiv feedback about it, but for the moment i can't afford it. I hope i will be able to buy it soon and i will try to make better song! And good luck too, your very good at making music!
Yo, awesome work !!!
Also, @TMM43, my remix is already done, i think u will enjoy it !!!
Dont really like this style, but this is awesome work bro
Thanks that you appreciate it anyways! :)
Yo, thats amazing
Awesome song, dude ^U^
Thank you, but she has already received a low rating.
Нету атмосферы, ритм ели сохраняется переходы желают лучшего, мастеринга нету, как и вообще розвития в твоих треках. Одни и туже самые семплы, барабаны, всё однообразно - это описание может подойти к любому твоему треку...
Hm, thats sounds interesting :>
thanks!! :D
Wow really cool !!!!
It was a long job, I'm glad I got a decent salary from your side. Thank you for your feedback.
Yo very good song bro, i love it •U•
Thank you, hehehe, I'm trying to do my best :)
Вот это я понимаю, рок !!!!!!
Upd: А какая разница лол ?
Скорее это металл.
UPD: В том что металл звучит жесте, рок довольно спокойный.
Craziest trance enjoyer ever
Banner made by @DJLomka btw
Music, Trombonist
Musical college
In trance rn
Joined on 10/17/20